Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Now I watch a normal amount of T.V. for a university student don’t get me wrong but in today’s world I find myself relaying a lot of my learning’s back to television. What I learn in the classroom, what I learn in the workforce, pretty much anywhere I can bring it back and make reference to a television show. Now one show in particular I find relates to communication so much that it should be an entire course called “Communication: The Office way.” It shows multiple examples every episode how different characters in a setting communicate, no less in a hilarious way.

The Office! (http://www.megavideo.com/?d=58HFE74H. The season premiere episode covers many of the ideas of perceiving self and persuasion ideas within it. The character Michael starts rumors about everyone in the office and then this changes the perception of everyone in the office towards each other.

One rumour in particular is about Andy being gay, in which Andy becomes confused and is uncertain himself of his own sexuality. Andy becomes so unsure of himself that he starts to think that he may in fact be gay and leads him to ask “wait Michael am I gay?” Perceiving the self explains that we confirm who we are by confirming with others. Now this is an extreme, also hilarious example of this but goes on to explain that we confirm ourselves through others eyes.

Perceptions also change around the office setting also so how others perceive you can be changed instantly with persuasion from others. Resisting persuasion would be a useful tool in this setting ideas such as yes but, exculpation, confusion blame, many of these tactics were used my Michael in this episode to persuade people into believing his rumors all these examples from the article “Resisting Persuasion” (www.changingminds.org).

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